Are you wanting to improve your skills in self-management, relationships, reducing stress and anxiety, managing stress-related health issues, reducing procrastination and improving work-life balance?
Change is constant – we see this all around us. And yet sometimes when we want to make changes, change seems very challenging or even impossible. I really hope that The Change Academy will be able to help you with important life and wellbeing challenges you wish to work on.
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The 6-week 'Defrag Action Plan' on-line course
Mindfulness for Everyday Life
A six-week on-line course
Our Blogs
Mindfulness – the Gift that Goes on Giving
What’s so great about Mindfulness? There’s a phrase I like from academia – ‘there’s nothing so practical as a good theory’. And the thing is, Mindfulness is so practical. It’s not some airy fairy esoteric thing. It’s an approach to life that makes sense, because...
The Pre-Christmas “De-frag” challenge
As I write this, it is a little under 5 weeks till Christmas. I am struck by the fact that some people start ‘gearing up’ and ‘girding their loins’ for Christmas two or even three months before December 25th. How crazy is that? How can we get ourselves wound up and...
Mud, Gratitude and Awe
Scientists have now proven that in a number of important respects following the teachings of ancient wisdom traditions can lead to improved physical and mental health – and in fact can improve our overall happiness. And in particular, gratitude and awe have been...
Simplifying Your Life – Letting Go Our Need For Stuff
Simplifying Your Life - Letting Go Our Need For Stuff Simplifying your life - does it feel like an impossible dream? Have you sometimes found yourself surrounded by chaos and clutter – on your office desk, in your home, in your email in-box, and perhaps, worst of all...
The Fear Of Missing Out – Taming Your Email
Are you a ‘download’ junkie? Have you subscribed to every ‘useful’ e-newsletter in the known world? And are you drowning in information overload? Does FOMO (the 'Fear of Missing Out') stop you from deleting emails and throwing out articles? Me too!...
The Secret Ingredient For Successful Habit Change
So you had a habit change you wanted to tackle, you set a SMART goal – you were very specific in your goals, they were measurable and achievable, you had a specific time-frame - and you still weren’t able to achieve your desired outcome. What...
“Just” – The Enemy of Time Management
Just. It’s a word that can get us into a lot of trouble, stress and disappointment. Beware of “just” if you want to improve your time management and reduce your procrastination. I first became aware of the significance of the ‘just’ word when I was a teenager. I...
The Annual Tease of New Year’s Resolutions
The Annual Tease of New Year's Resolutions Do you, like myself and many others do a bit of a mental review of your year (or your life)at New Year and come up with some ‘resolutions’ for the coming year? Some big goals for personal change? If so, to what extent do you...
Stress … It’s Doing My Head In
Feeling a bit like you’ve just got too much going on at once? Too much pressure? Too many people making demands on your time or your peace of mind? And feeling like you just can’t think straight, get perspective, work out where to start? And possibly, as a result...
7 Ways The Fight-flight Physiology Is Detrimental To Your Health
7 Ways The Fight-flight Physiology Is Detrimental To Your Health Nothing is likely to improve your quality of life more than understanding how the ‘fight-flight’ response affects your physiology, your brain and how you think and behave. This is ‘news you can use’. So...
Just Breathe … Diaphragmatically
Just Breathe … Diaphragmatically - It’s Life Changing In my opinion, diaphragmatic breathing is the number one, must learn, must-do strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety. Just breathing diaphragmatically is life changing. Why Is Diaphragmatic Breathing So...
Clear Your Mind – Free Up Some Mental Ram
Time for a Defrag? Perhaps you are familiar with that feeling of having too much on your mind, too many balls in the air, and feeling like you have no clarity, no perspective, and no time to think. Perhaps it’s time for a ‘defrag’ - time to clear you mental ram, to...
We are here to help
We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer by tapping into our blogs, and we’ll soon be adding on-line courses.