‘The Defrag Action Plan’ on-line course

‘The Defrag Action Plan’ on-line course: Strategies for calming your mind, clearing some mental space and establishing a calmer and healthier base-line level of physiological arousal
On this 6-week on-line course you will establish your own clear and specific wellbeing goals, and over the duration of this course you will put together a plan (a Wellbeing and Resilience Action Plan or WRAP Plan) that will act as a clear road-map for how to get yourself into a ‘clear, calm and focussed’ mind-space, and learn a number of strategies that will enable you to return to this mind-space more quickly and easily, and for longer periods of time. You will learn about the physiology of stress and learn techniques that will help you to calm the stress physiology and help you to regain and maintain the mental and physiological state that allows you to see things in perspective.
Angela’s goal is that in the process of developing your WRAP Plan, one step at a time, drawing from the content of each Unit, you will put that step into place in your life – that is that you will not only develop a plan, but develop new wellbeing practices and habits as you work through each Unit.
This course is made up of 6 Units, with a new Unit being made available to you each week. Each Unit includes approximately 30 minutes of presentations. You will also need to allow time to complete the relevant sections of your Action Plan as you work your way through the presentations. And most important of all, you will gain maximum benefit from this course if you make time to try out all of the different tools and strategies introduced to you, and work out which work best for you. This would ideally include 10 – 20 minutes per day of using one or more of the deep relaxation practices you are introduced to in Unit 2 of the course, plus putting the many ‘On-the-go’ strategies into practice in the midst of your Everyday life. You will have access to the course for 12 weeks, so you can work through it at the rate of one unit per week, with an extra 6 weeks at the end for review or alternatively you can work through each Unit more slowly and take 12 weeks to complete the 6 Units.
What you get:
The tools you learn in this course will enable you to put the brakes on if you start to spiral down into stress and overwhelm, and to calm yourself down and find a ‘clear and focussed’ mind space. You will also create your own ‘Defrag Action Plan’, putting each step of the plan into practice as you go through the course.
Unit 1: Setting Your Eyes On The Goal
- Identify the benefits of the clear, calm and focussed mind-space
- Identify your own wellbeing and resilience goals
- Improve your ability to identify and celebrate small successes
Unit 2: Beginning the ‘Defrag’ Process
- Understand how to access the clear, calm and focussed mind-space
- Learn to use diaphragmatic breathing or the ‘Heart Breath’ to calm your sympathetic nervous system and put the brakes on stress and overwhelm
Unit 3: Establishing ‘Defrag’ Habits
- Learn an alternative and effective way to approach complex challenges such as reducing our stress levels, and understand the benefits of this alternative approach
- Learn some basic principles of building new habits
- Review your priorities and explore ways to free up some time for self-care
Unit 4: Stress and The Body
- Understand the physiology of fear, anxiety and overwhelm – the ‘fight-flight’ response
- Understand how stress and overwhelm can ‘creep up’ to a point where they cause such things as feeling anxious and over-emotional and problems such as sleep difficulties
- Learn some further potent methods of calming your sympathetic nervous system and putting the brakes on stress and overwhelm
Unit 5: Defrag Strategies
- Identify some of the everyday activities that you already enjoy, that you can use as ‘bridges’ from the ‘fight-flight’ physiology to the ‘clear, calm and focussed’ physiology – these are all opportunities for regular ‘resilience breaks’
- Get to know your own ‘perspective space’ – that mental space where you are able to get a different perspective on things, where you can ‘see the wood for the trees’ and where you can wisely figure out priorities and the actions you need to take
- Learn to tap into an important ‘stress-reducing’ resource – your own personal values
- Unit 6: Pulling Your Defrag Plan Together
- Learn some strategies for dealing with potential challenges or ‘trip-ups’ to your Wellbeing plans
- Identify and build more support systems
- Learn some approaches to dealing with your identified stressors
- Pull together your Defrag WRAP, bringing together the tools you have learnt so far
Links to the purchase page:
Click here to Register: The ‘Defrag Action Plan’ 6-week on-line course – $89