About Angela Baker:
I am an experienced psychologist, counsellor and educator. In addition to counselling and coaching, I love designing and teaching workshops and have done so for over 20 years. Topics I have taught include Mindfulness for Academic or Professional Success, Getting on Top of Stress and Overwhelm, Pain Management, Career Choice and Development, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Procrastination, Overcoming Perfectionism, A Do-able Approach to Work-life Balance and many more.
Let’s get practical …
As a ‘kiwi’ (New Zealander), brought up on a farm, I identify with what is known as the ‘number 8 wire’ philosophy. Number 8 wire is used for farm fences and the ‘number 8 wire philosophy’, in farm speak is “the ability to create or repair machinery using whatever scrap materials are available to hand” (Wikipedia). As a philosophy for helping people to make change, my ‘number 8 wire’ philosophy is that solutions need to be practical, workable and uncomplicated – strategies need to make sense. I like to be able to translate ‘ivory tower’ learning and research and put it to practical use so it will work for people in their everyday lives. I like to be inventive, in particular in terms of bringing a range of different areas of knowledge to bear on a problem in order to come up with solutions that work.
We’re in this together …
I love the interactive nature of teaching courses or workshops. I believe that participants gain a great deal from the discussions that emerge in the room in ‘face-to-face’ workshops or through an on-line discussion forum or closed Facebook group in on-line courses. As topics are addressed, questions asked, alternative viewpoints considered by participants and tutor together, everyone gains new insights and learns more. This is the ‘magic’ of learning as part of a group, and I am committed to maximizing this experience in both my on-line courses and face-to-face workshops.
The Change Academy’s Philosophy of Change
Change and Acceptance
Paradoxically the process of change (working to make something different from how it already is) works best when it sits alongside Acceptance (being O.K. with things being just as they are). In my courses you will not find me urging you to be some-one who you are not. Acceptance of yourself, as you are, without judgment is important – your strengths, weaknesses and the very large area between strengths and weaknesses consisting of the multitude of things that we are O.K. or ‘good enough’ at. Upon this foundation, the changes you make will be solid, sustainable and life enhancing.
Mindfulness Approach
You will find that all our courses are permeated by a philosophy of Mindfulness – qualities such as acceptance, compassion and non-judgment will be common threads throughout, and strategies drawn from a range of mindfulness approaches will be woven into our blogs and courses.
Achievable and ‘do-able’ Steps
I will not be encouraging you to form ‘big hairy audacious goals’ for yourself. Instead I will lead you through steps you can take that are do-able and achievable. These steps will take you confidently and surely down a path which will improve your quality of life (as defined by you, not by others). I strongly believe that this path will lead you to achieve bigger goals than you would achieve through the strategy of ‘over-stretching’ for goals or striving for goals you feel you ‘should’ be achieving.
Change that is deeply connected to who you are
Change that has you connecting more deeply to your sense of purpose, your personal values, your passion, while it may take effort, will generate more energy than you may previously have thought possible. This is the kind of change I believe in and I look forward to accompanying you on this journey.