The ‘Overcoming Challenges to Wellbeing – One Small Step at a Time’ Series
Many of us struggle with challenges such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, sometimes to a small degree, and for many, to a significant degree. And over time, these challenges can turn into chronic problems. Often we try many different things in an effort to get on top of these problems and yet we just don’t seem to be able to make the progress we are seeking.
Angela’s approach to getting on top of such chronic problems includes
- Identifying small, do-able steps
- Learning to identify small steps of improvement and to pat ourselves on the back for small successes
- Increasing our acceptance that we are ‘just human’ and that as humans we all have flaws and weaknesses, and that is O.K.
- Increasing our self-compassion
Angela believes (and research supports this idea!) that being in groups and hearing about other people’s challenges, and both their struggles and their successes, can have significant benefits, and invites you to join her workshop/s and discover this for yourself.
These workshops are targeted to – those of you who experience some degree of anxiety, depression or low self-esteem.
The content of these workshops is likely to be useful to anyone, whether or not they experience significant wellbeing or mental health challenges because almost everyone, from time to time and to some degree, struggles with these issues. The strategies offered in these workshops are applicable in many different situations. So these workshops are open to anyone, but are more specifically designed for those with some degree of wellbeing challenge.
The Workshops:
‘Reducing Chronic Worry and Anxiety – One Small Step At A Time’. Next workshop: Palmerston North, 15th May 2018. Email me for further information.
‘Grow Your Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem – One Small Step At A Time’. Next workshop: Palmerston North, 12th June 2018. Click here for further information.
Workshop only: $69 Workshops are in Palmerston North, from 9 am – 1pm. The fee includes morning tea and workbook.
Workshop plus coaching package: Workshop plus 5 coaching / counselling sessions $600.
And you may like to follow-up the workshop by enrolling for one of my on-line courses:
- the ‘Defrag Action Plan’ on-line course which walks you through strategies that help you learn to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm and build self-acceptance and self-compassion, or
- the ‘Mindfulness for Everyday Life’ on-line course which teaches Mindfulness strategies that help us to maintain a life that is more calm and to keep things in perspective, as well as helping you to establish a regular Mindfulness meditation practice.
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or phone me 021 047 3530 to discuss any of these options further.
If you are on a low income:
- Email me about paying for the workshop in instalments e.g. $10 pr week
If you are on a low income and would be eligible for a WINZ Disability allowance (you don’t have to already be on a WINZ benefit to receive this allowance, but it is only available for those on low incomes), and if you suffer from depression or anxiety or other mental health challenges email me and together we can investigate whether you would be eligible for this WINZ allowance. Ten weeks of disability allowance would enable you to sign up for the ‘workshop plus coaching’ package. Please note, you need your doctor to sign the relevant WINZ form for this to proceed.