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Launch Yourself Into Mindfulness

9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.  Tuesday 21st August

Level 1, The Grand Hotel Building, cnr Church St and The Square, Palmerston North

Fee: $89               Registration limited to 10

To register:        Click here 

Mindfulness, when practiced regularly, can help us to maintain a clear, calm and focussed state of mind.  It can help us to manage our emotions more effectively, and to reduce the level of frustration, anger or irritation we experience.  And, at least as importantly, it helps us to experience greater satisfaction and enjoyment from the life we are living.

This workshop will provide an introduction to the practice of Mindfulness.  It will give you a taste of three different types of Mindfulness meditation and in addition there will be a strong focus on Mindfulness practices you can do ‘on the go’ in the midst of your everyday life.

Included in the Registration Fee is free registration on The Change Academy’s 6 week on-line course ‘Mindfulness for Everyday Life’.  This on-line course will enable you to establish a regular practice of Mindfulness meditation, and introduce further ‘Everyday Mindfulness’ practices.  For further information about the on-line course, check it out on

Target Audience:  Women working in the health-care, legal and finance professions, teachers, managers and administrators, self-employed women, women who volunteer in management or governance roles or any women wishing to improve their resilience and wellbeing.

Objectives:  In this workshop we will …

  • Explore the concepts (and benefits of) 5 core concepts of Mindfulness: Intentionality, Present-moment awareness, The observer stance, Non-judgment and Acceptance
  • Experiment with skill practices related to these 5 core concepts
  • Identify how these skills could improve the quality of our lives if we were to use them ‘on the go’ during our everyday lives
  • Experience 3 different types of Mindfulness meditation
  • In addition, one of my objectives is to create workshops where everyone is actively involved (to the extent they wish to be – it’s also O.K. to pass on any exercises or discussions we have). We learn together, from each other in a supportive and encouraging environment.

This workshop is from the ‘Wellbeing for Women’ workshop series.

To register:   Click here